Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Jan 31st: Flower Power
Blah blah blah, words and things and stuff about this photo. It's an amaryllis flower by the way, just in case you were wondering. They're one of my favourite flowers, them and orchids and peonies. But all flowers are beautiful (just like James' face :P).
Monday, 30 January 2012
Jan 30th: January feels like the longest month ever!
Don't you feel like January is literally the longest month of the year? And then after that the months start going by faster and faster until you get back to January and wonder how the time went by quite so quickly! And the vicious cycle continues... and not just with time.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Jan 29th: Feeling a bit meh
A sudden storm in Venice, Italy in July 2010. I'm feeling kinda stormy today... I love how the dark clouds are creeping into the photo on the right but you can see the clear sky in the distance. Good stuff.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Jan 28th: La Guernica
This is one of Picasso's most famous painting, depicting the bombing of Guernica a town in the Basque country during the Spanish Civil War. It is now a symbol of peace, and it reminds me every single day of the horrors of war, particularly on innocent civilians.
Jan 27th: Museo de Arte Reina Sofia
A couple of years ago I took a trip to Madrid with my school, and this is the square behind the hotel we stayed in. The square had the entrance to the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia which housed many many paintings from many Spanish and other artists. Most notably, Picasso's La Guernica is housed here after being moved from El Prado.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Jan 26th: Lost in the snow
Not got that much to say today, so here is a photo of a snowy path. The amazing silence and feeling of being in a cocoon is one of my favourite things about snow. I've had one of those days when you just wish there were a couple of feet of snow outside when you woke up in the morning so you could stay in bed doing nothing. Ah well, it's nearly over now. Sleepy time in a bit and then I can start all over again tomorrow. See ya bitches.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Jan 25th: My siblings
Ok, so you can't really see their faces, but let me reassure you: They. Are. Beautiful. And I'm not just saying that because they're my siblings... Well maybe a little bit, but I come from a stunningly beautiful family and you know that's not a lie ;)
Jan 24th: My parents
Nawww look at them! They're so cute together! This year they will be 22 years happily married, with their three B-E-A-U-tiful children and let's just put it out there: all three of us are ever so grateful and thankful for everything you do for us. We might not express it enough, but we do feel it! Love you guys!
Jan 23rd: Sarawr or Sarah to normal people
This be the chick that took all the previous photos, hence by simple deduction I'm sure you can guess that I took this photo! Ain't it purty? :D
Jan 12: Look out, a series is coming your way!
So for my little catch-up which yes, I realise is a little later than I planned, I'm going to do a... wait for it... yes you guessed it! A SERIES! :O This, as you can see since you have eyes, was taken in 2008, and was originally taken to be in my art coursework at the time. Since it's actually me in the photo I take absolutely no credit for it (even though technically it's mine but whatevs) my good friend Sarah actually took it and the rest that will follow... Anyhoo, I don't think I'm going to write anything under the rest of these so... yeah. Oh, and I play guitar, and that's my Bubbles (the guitar, don't ask why it's called Bubbles - I was 12, 'kay?) See ya later dudes.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Quick update
So sorry I haven't been posting! I do have a reason though, I swear! I actually have exams which I really have to not fail, so I'll catch up once I am done... Or I'll catch up this weekend and then post regularly next week but not post next weekend as I'll be revising my butt off! Anyway, I felt kinda bad leaving you all hanging so this is my apology!
Love you, whoever you are that reads this!
Love you, whoever you are that reads this!
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Jan 11th: And another beach shot...
Ok, this time it's not a from a Greek beach! Hurrah! This is taken from Southwold Pier on a freezing cold day in August which was also beautifully sunny! Too bad the sea here in the UK has nothing on that in other places: brown, murky water which is freezing cold... Personally I don't see the appeal! I'd rather be where I can see my feet when I step in! I'd also like to be able to feel my feet, not get hypothermia from dipping a toe in. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time! And beautiful fish and chips! But the sea... shiver
Jan 10th: A day on the river
This is a slightly more random photograph than the rest, seeing as I know none of the people in it. But nonetheless, as with probably all the photos I'll be posting this year, I love it! Not quite sure why, but I do. Look at the dog though! It's so awesome! This was taken on a boat ride from Richmond on the river Thames on a lovely sunny day in August of '07. Ah the good old years!
Jan 9th: Riding into the Sunset
The first of probably a few sunset photos to come in the year ahead, but I love the boat in this one! I mean look at the little boaty, yes, look at it! It's SO CUTE :D And the sunset is pretty awesome too, not gonna lie... This is taken from the same beach that the little bucket was taken, near my grandparents' house in Greece. I love sunsets,and sunrises because the colours they produce are just amazing! I've also found that the clouds at the time play a big role in how pretty it is...
The first of probably a few sunset photos to come in the year ahead, but I love the boat in this one! I mean look at the little boaty, yes, look at it! It's SO CUTE :D And the sunset is pretty awesome too, not gonna lie... This is taken from the same beach that the little bucket was taken, near my grandparents' house in Greece. I love sunsets,and sunrises because the colours they produce are just amazing! I've also found that the clouds at the time play a big role in how pretty it is...
Jan 8th: New Year's Eve '05
This is another of the photos from my first camera, and actually taken on the morning of New Year's Eve of 2005. Meaning it was December 31st, 2004. I just love the darkness of the balcony railings against the white of the snow and fog! It's not exactly the best composition I could have done, but as an amateur eleven-year-old photographer it's pretty good - I STILL LOVE IT.
Jan 7th: First Camera
Yes, yes I know. I haven't posted a photo in 5 days. I'm a bad poster. So sue me! (You can't btw, we have no legal contract, ha ha!) Anyway, let's play catch-up!
This photo was taken on January 3rd, 2005 and was actually one of the first photos I ever took with my first camera. I remember my excitement when, on Christmas day, I opened the box and found a small Olympus digital camera! This was taken on holiday for the new year at a place called Limni Plastira, Kastoria in Greece. This is the lake. Obviously.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Jan 6th: Loctudy
Last summer I went on holiday to my friend Faustine's house in France. The place was called Loctudy and it was absolutely gorgeous! I love the seclusion of the beach and the way the clouds have formed in the sky. It was an amazing holiday! Too bad I was only there for 5 days!
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Jan 5th: Awaiting Spring
I took this photo last spring, and right now - in the middle of winter - I think we all need a small touch of spring. People pick their favourite seasons, and I never could. Each one is absolutely beautiful in its own way (in my opinion anyway, feel free to disagree). This photo was taken in my back garden and the flowers are apple blossoms with my dad's bird feeder in the background.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Jan 4th: Happy Birthday Eleni!!
This is Eleni, and she is awesome!! It's her 20th birthday today and I just want to wish her all the best and tell her I miss her so so much! She's in the US studying and I don't get to see her that often but when I do, we have such good times together! This photo was taken in Hyde Park, London when the weather was absolutely gorgeous just like her! Love you, Elenitsa mou!
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Jan 3rd: James
This is James. What can I say about him... Well, he's my best friend which is weird because I've known him for less than six months. We're kinda like two peas in a pod or soul-mates or something - it's crazy how compatible we are! He looks kinda funny in this photo and I love it! He also looks ginger, which - surprisingly - he isn't! He's very much blond. Here we went to this abandoned building and he built ramps and rode his bike around... I took photos and videos which was pretty awesome! (He also thinks he's quite hard - he isn't :P)
Jan 2nd: On the beach

I took this photo on the beach near my granparents house in Greece a few years ago. It was a wonderful day out with my uncle, aunt and their two kids. This bucket is actually very very small - amusingly so! And I just love the composition! And it reminds of summer and beaches and my lovely Greece and my pride for being the Greek that I am!
Jan 1st: Home Sweet Home
This photo means a lot to me, and that's why it's the first one I'm posting. As you can see it was taken a while ago but it is still one of my favourites. It is of the front door to my house and I love the way the light of the sunset is hitting the door frame and illuminating the wood. My beautiful mother hangs the heart-shaped wreath at the start of every February and takes it down at the end of March. "It's not only for Valentine's Day," she says, "but to show the world how much love there is in this house." I love her, and this photo reminds me of that and how much she and my father love me.
2012: A photo every day!
This is my plan for 2012! To post a photo every single day with its (very) short story attached to it! As you can see I'm already two days behind but that's ok because that means I get to post three photos today! The photos I'm going to post are not always going to be taken on that same day, actually they mostly won't be as my life is pretty boring day-to-day as is almost every 18-year-old's! Anyway, here's to a great year!
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