Thursday, 22 March 2012

March 22nd

March 21st

March 20th

March 19th

March 18th

March 17th: the laughing teapot

March 16th

March 15th

March 14th

March 13th

March 12th

March 11th

March 10th

March 9th

March 8th

March 7th

March 6th

March 5th

March 4th

March 3rd

March 2nd

March 1st

Feb 29th

Feb 28th

Feb 27th

Feb 26th

Feb 25th

Feb 24th

Feb 23rd

Feb 22nd

Feb 21st

Feb 20th

Feb 19th

Feb 18th

Feb 17th

Feb 16th

Feb 15th

Feb 14th: Just a dreamer

Feb 13th

Feb 12th

Feb 11th

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Feb 10th: So I've been away :/

But I definitely have a good excuse! Well... sort of. I went to Geneva to visit CERN and other awesome places and when I came back I was revising for exams and then I actually had exams and then I was too lazy to catch up. Sorry. But I am now gonna do it all in one go! Woop woop! This is the CERN building, or one of them anyway. CERN is humongous! Anyhoo, I think I'm going to do the whole postey thing with very little talkey thing I do when I'm catching up. Cool cool, see ya cool cats lates ;)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Feb 8th: Peace Love Freedom

Feeling the hippy-type love today. I drew these freehand and scanned them in and played around with the saturation and contrast. I love the thought of these three apples, I feel the foundations of human kind should really be based upon these key ideas. Alas, it is in human nature for us not to be peaceful - survival of the fittest and all - and maybe love and hate come hand in hand, but surely we all deserve to be free. Society is a very stifling organism to those who feel the need to express themselves in extraordinary ways. I'm not saying that we should be allowed to go blow up a building, shoot someone in the head or rob a bank; all I'm saying is that if I want to put an Adele song as my facebook status and say that I'm a little down, not to get a billion hipsters on my ass telling me what a conformist I am. I'm sorry but they can fuck off. Rant over. Peace out ;)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Feb 7th: Spain again

So lately I've been getting the feeling that I need to get away. Not sure why, but it's there. I'll be off to CERN for 4 days in a couple of weeks, so I'm really looking forward to that! I love the feeling of just getting out of the country and away from everyone for a little while. Also, have you noticed how these have become less and less about the photo and more about my sorry ass? Ah well, I enjoy it just a little bit more than talking about light shadow and composition ;) Although, speaking of, isn't this photo beautiful? I love the light/shadow and the weird angle and composition of this photo. AND the blue sky... Only in Madrid!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Feb 6th: Make a wish

"'Cause baby you're a fiiiiiiirework, come on show 'em what you're woooooooorth, make 'em go oh oh oh as you shoot across the sky-y-y!!!"

Yep, you guessed right! That is me singing Katy Perry in the shower! Well, not really... I sound much better than her ;) Anyway, this is actually a close-up of a dandelion seed head; you know, the ones you blow into the wind and make a wish on when you're a kid - I still do it, but whatevs trevs. I just love that in black and white these seed heads actually look so much like sparklers! (Ah! You now see the connection with Firework!) Nature is beautiful. Too beautiful for any more words from me, so I'll see you all tomorrow!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Feb 5th: SNOW! No, but seriously it's here :)

It is here!! Woop woop snow! Yeeeeah bitches!! So it started snowing yesterday around 6pm and stopped some time en la madrugada (that's early hours of the morning for those of you not knowing any Spanish) and I'd say there is about four-ish inches of snow! Anyway... back to the photo, it's a little squirrel I had chance to photograph last year when it came traipsing through my garden. Enjoy his little squirrelly cute face!